HOW you say what you want to say matters... a lot!


This workshop is about the cues and hints that people give you (that you can actually pick up on!) which can tell you how to adjust your communication. KNOW is to help you more deeply understand communication patterns, so that you can cut through the noise and connect with people in the way that they want to be spoken to and are most likely to hear.

You will leave the workshop with simple tools and systems that you can use on the go, in real situations, anywhere, anytime. Charlene and Justin will equip you to be able to quickly evaluate and better understand any person you are relating to, no matter where you may be:
- In a cab
- At a party
- Sitting down to dinner
- In a business meeting

Where do you wish your communication felt more personalized and effective?



Simple shortcut to understanding people's communication style (including your own) using the Myers Briggs spectrum and intersections that tell us the most about communication styles.


A quick framework for identifying people's basic motivations and fears using the Core Needs quadrant for a quick and visual way to both understand and then teach others.


An easy structure for addressing  major constraints that would hold someone back using Personal Saboteurs as a shortcut on what behaviors and wording to look for in your team.

Deeper Understanding

We all want and need to connect more effectively with our world. KNOW will help you more quickly understand the uniqueness of each person you relate to so you can adjust your communication style for maximum impact.

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Practical Application

We'll explore simple shortcuts, cues and triggers that you can use anytime, anywhere to upgrade your communication. We take a “principles over micro-practice” approach to better understanding motivations, communication style and constraints.

If you have goals that relate to other people...

then we made KNOW for you. Our goal is to help you go further on your goals faster than you have ever done before.

It's frustrating feeling like your words aren't having the impact you hope for, and it's discouraging to feel like you can't communicate and motivate your team. The solution to those feelings isn't to just try harder, it's to learn how to talk to someone in a way that speaks to them. By understanding how we ourselves communicate, we can take the steps to help others feel more understood and comfortable.

We believe that people hear HOW you say things as much as WHAT you say. Unfortunately, most of them time we work on making minor adjustments to WHAT we say to people, instead of focusing on HOW we say it and HOW the person in front of us will interpret it.


KNOW Workshop

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KNOW is for you if:

  • You work with others on a regular basis
  • You want to be better understood
  • You need to motivate and inspire all types of people
  • You're ready to overcome frustrating miscommunication loops
  • You have ever wished you could understand why people communicate the way they do
  • Your goals require you to level up in relating to people, whether for business or personal reasons
  • You work in retail sales or team environments
  • You know you need to skill up in your leadership ability and communication methods

It's about HOW you say things as much as WHAT you say

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by Charlene Fike and Justin Fike

Charlene is a Presidential Master Coordinator who built a thriving business over thirty years ago, even as she launched multiple startups and raised a family. In this course she'll share the essential principles that helped her do it.

Justin is Charlene's son, and has worked  as an entrepreneur and coach for 15 years. He has published 9 books, and specializes in mindset coaching and overcoming business obstacles.